to avoid having to make any straight moral decision about it. Of course persons who are really mentally ill about their sex life may need suitable help, but heterosexuals will need such help just as much as homosexuals. To treat the ordinary homosexual as a sick person is a ridiculous insult to a group which includes, as we all perfectly well know, many of our most distinguished men and women.

In the end it is a simple matter of human rights. One has a right to choose to be celibate: though even this right is sometimes challenged nowadays and the celibate person looked on with suspicion or contempt. One has also a right to choose to be homosexual, or to accept the fact that one is, and to be left alone. Human beings differ vastly, and being heterosexually married is not the only 'proper' or 'rich' or 'rewarding' way of life. The choice to be homosexual is a hazardous choice, for the reasons I suggested; but the choice to be celibate is a hazardous choice, and the choice to marry is a very hazardous choice. It is not easy for human beings to achieve a completely contented and orderly existence whatever they do: and responsibility for others and service to the community can be found on all these paths.

The law must be changed, that goes without saying. But what else can be done to produce a sane and decent attitude to this matter? It is unfortunate that many well-meaning people, who rightly say that we need more information, are still treating homosexuality as a social ailment

which 'scientific facts' will help to cure. But if there is illness here it is our society at large that is ill, in the sense of being prejudiced or morally blind. The facts which will cure this prejudice belong to the ordinary talk of ordinary people, and should gradually become more accessible if those who know about homosexuality


will refer to it sensibly, and as homosexuals gradually emerge from the demoralizing secrecy which is at present forced upon them. Doubtless homosexuals will always be a minority and doubtless they will always be with us. What is needed is not more science but just more humane and charitable recognition of our right to differ from one another.


when discussing the subject of homosexuality? Or are you, like so many others, backed into a corner when confronted with the usual myths, half-truths and a host of other errata?

Is Homosexuality a Primate Trait? is just one of the intriguing and informative articles offered for your reading pleasure and intellectual enrichment in the new issue of the Quarterly #19. Order your copy by sending $1.50 to:

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